About Us

Our Story

Placeful started as so many other business do, with a problem and a search for an effective solution. In my case the issues was my tiny linen closet and the impossible task of neatly folding and storing my sheets. As for solutions, I watched all the how to videos, following diligently along only to had I scrunched vaguely squarish fitted sheet that was a completely different shape to my flat sheet at the end and then piling them into my linen closet and quickly closing the door before they all fell over. I knew there had to be a better way which I developed the Linen Library. I am so excited to be sharing this game changing tool with you. I know it will save you so much time, space and frustration. We are launching soon so please sign up below to be the first to know when you can get your hands on one too.

Our Mission

At Placeful, we empower you to transform your home into a place of comfort, beauty, and efficiency. Our home organisation products will help you to create easy space and time saving systems, giving you more room to breath and taking the stress out of everyday tasks. We strive to make home organisation not just achievable but enjoyable. Our ultimate goal is to help you transform your home into a haven that serves not just your needs but also your desires, where you can thrive and find joy in every moment.